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Lombardy Region’s Smart Specialisation Strategy

Summary Smart specialisation strategy 2021-2027

Purpose & Scope
The Lombardy Region S3 for the period 2021-2027, continues the path launched in 2014-2020, aimed at declining an "integrated trajectory" of its territory development.
The Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3), aims to support and promote regional innovation policies, identifying resources, skills, innovative potential, priorities, such as industrial transformation and resilience of the Lombard economic-productive system, and emerging technological fields, where concentrating the regional investments in the next seven years.

The strategy proceeds in the new scenario raised following the Covid-19 emergency: the path for the socio-economic recovery, new needs, life balances, new opportunities. These scenario will characterize the near future and clearly brings out two main challenges to be faced :
Support industrial transformation towards digital transition and sustainable development to understand the new needs of the citizen as quickly and effectively as possible
Increase the resilience and adaptability of the Lombard system to rapid changes of the economic-productive and social context in order to guarantee the citizen safety and well-being

Ingredients for success:

  • R&I with human centric approach. Individuated Innovation Ecosystems are: Nutrition, Health and life science, Culture and knowledge, Connectivity and information, Smart mobility and architecture, Sustainability, Social development, Advanced manufacturing
  • Implementation through an adaptive Entrepreneurial Discovery Process
  • Boost the twin transition (digital, green)
  • Increase the resilience and adaptability of the territory
  • “Way of doing” policy under the RRI and open science paradigms

“Way of doing”:
The action plan is aimed at facing the identified challenges, taking into account weaknesses and threats emerged from the swot analysis. It consists of 4 categories of actions:

  1. Enabling action to reinforce the Lombard system of research and innovation thanks to the paradigms of RRI and Open Innovation;
  2. Action supporting technological transfer, industrial research and innovation in the innovation ecosystems;
  3. Action supporting investments to foster digital transition and the adoption of models for a sustainable development;
  4. Action supporting the internationalisation and the Lombard system attractiveness. 

RIS3_Lombardy Executive Summary

Documento PDF - 367 KB